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Katedra i Zakład Chemii Farmaceutycznej

Wydział Farmaceutyczny


Publikacje w czasopismach z "listy filadelfijskiej" (z trzech ostatnich lat):

  1. 3D-printed extraction devices fabricated from silica particles suspended in acrylate resin - GEORGIEV PAWEŁ, BELKA MARIUSZ, KROLL DAGMARA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, OPIEŁKA MIKOŁAJ, RUTKOWSKA ALEKSANDRA (neurobiol.), ULENBERG SZYMON - J. Chromatogr. A - 2024 : vol. 1717, art. ID 464671, s. 1-8, bibliogr. 32 poz., streszcz. ang.
  2. Carbon-based nanomaterials for CRISPR/Cas delivery: a perspective on the design approach - Safarkhan Moein, SAEB MOHAMMAD REZA, Lee Jeong-Hwan, Huh Yun Suk, Rabiee Navid - Carbon Lett. - 2024 : vol. 34, nr 1, s. 387 - 397, bibliogr. 45 poz., streszcz. ang.
  3. Tailoring the topology of ZIF-67 metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) adsorbents to capture humic acids - Shams Mahmoud, Zohreh Niazi, SAEB MOHAMMAD REZA, Mozaffari Moghadam Sina, Mohammadi Ali Akbar, Fattahi Mehdi - Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. - 2024 : vol. 269, art. ID 115854, bibliogr. [78] poz., streszcz. ang.
  4. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and their applications in detection, conversion, and depletion of nitroaromatic pollutants - Ahmadi Sepideh, Fatahi Yousef, SAEB MOHAMMAD REZA, Kim Dokyoon, Shokouhimehr Mohammadreza, Iravani Siavash, Rabiee Navid, Varma Rajender S. - Inorg. Chem. Commun. - 2024 : vol. 160, art. ID 111982, s. 1-18, bibliogr. 195 poz., streszcz. ang.
  5. Sustainable chemically modifed poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/thermoplastic starch/ poly(ε-caprolactone)/cellulose biocomposites: looking at the bulk through the surface - Hejna Aleksander, Barczewski Mateusz, Kosmela Paulina, Mysiukiewicz Olga, Tercjak Agnieszka, Piasecki Adam, SAEB MOHAMMAD REZA, Szostak Marek - J. Mater. Sci. - 2024 : vol. 59, nr 4, s. 1327-1347, bibliogr. 106 poz., streszcz. ang.
  6. 2-methoxyestradiol and hydrogen peroxide as promising biomarkers in Parkinson's disease - BASTIAN PAULINA, KONIECZNA LUCYNA, DULSKI JAROSŁAW, DACA AGNIESZKA, Jacewicz Dagmara, PŁOSKA AGATA, KNAP NARCYZ, SŁAWEK JAROSŁAW, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, KALINOWSKI LESZEK, Drzeżdżon Joanna, ROSZMANN ANNA, BELKA MARIUSZ, GÓRSKA-PONIKOWSKA MAGDALENA - Mol. Neurobiol. - 2024 : vol. 61, nr 1, s. 148-166, bibliogr. 104 poz., streszcz. ang.
  7. Recent advances in the use of SPME for drug analysis in clinical, toxicological, and forensic medicine studies - LESZCZYŃSKA DAGMARA, HALLMANN ANNA, TREDER NATALIA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA - Talanta - 2024 : vol. 270, art. ID 125613, s. 1-29, bibliogr. 99 poz., streszcz. ang.
  8. Development of a 3D-printable, porous, and chemically active material filled with silica particles and its application to the fabrication of a microextraction device - SZYNKIEWICZ DAGMARA, ULENBERG SZYMON, GEORGIEV PAWEŁ, Hejna Aleksander, MIKOLASZEK BARBARA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, Baron Gino V., Denayer Joeri F. M., Desmet Gert, BELKA MARIUSZ - Anal. Chem. - 2023 : vol. 95, nr 31, s. 11632-11640, bibliogr. 39 poz., streszcz. ang.
  9. Specific alteration of branched-chain amino acid profile in polycystic ovary syndrome - Paczkowska Katarzyna, RACHOŃ DOMINIK, BERG ANDRZEJ, Rybka Jacek, Kapczyńska Katarzyna, Bolanowski Marek, Daroszewski Jacek - Biomedicines - 2023 : vol. 11, nr 1, art. ID 108, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 55 poz., streszcz. ang.
  10. SPME as a green sample-preparation technique for the monitoring of phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids in complex matrices - WOŹNICZKA KATARZYNA, KONIECZYŃSKI PAWEŁ, PLENIS ALINA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA - J. Pharm. Anal. - 2023 : vol. 13, nr 10, s. 1117-1134, bibliogr. 104 poz., streszcz. ang.
  11. Searching for the primary metabolic alterations of polycystic ovary syndrome by application of the untargeted metabolomics approach - RAJSKA ANNA, Buszewska-Forajta Magdalena, MACIOSZEK SZYMON, WAWRZYNIAK RENATA, WITYK PAWEŁ, BERG ANDRZEJ, Kowalewska Agnieszka, RACHOŃ DOMINIK, MARKUSZEWSKI MICHAŁ J. - J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. - 2023 : vol. 235, art. ID 115602, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 34 poz., streszcz. ang.
  12. On-line preconcentration of fluorescein derivatives of essential amino acids using sweeping in a nonionic micellar system - PIECKOWSKI MICHAŁ, OLĘDZKA ILONA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, PLENIS ALINA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, KOWALSKI PIOTR - Microchem. J. - 2023 : vol. 193, art. ID 109252, s. 1-7, bibliogr. 33 poz., streszcz. ang.
  13. Dispersive solid-phase extraction facilitated by newly developed, fully 3D-printed device - SZYNKIEWICZ DAGMARA, GEORGIEV PAWEŁ, ULENBERG SZYMON, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, BELKA MARIUSZ - Microchem. J. - 2023 : vol. 187, art. ID 108367, s. 1-6, bibliogr. 36 poz., streszcz. ang.
  14. Alteration of branched-chain and aromatic amino acid profile as a novel approach in studying polycystic ovary syndrome pathogenesis - Paczkowska Katarzyna, RACHOŃ DOMINIK, BERG ANDRZEJ, Rybka Jacek, Kapczyńska Katarzyna, Bolanowski Marek, Daroszewski Jacek - Nutrients - 2023 : vol. 15, nr 19, art. ID 4153, s. 1-13, bibliogr. 67 poz., streszcz. ang.
  15. Selective estrogen' derivatives and hydrogen peroxide as potential indicators of neurodegeneration - BASTIAN PAULINA, KONIECZNA LUCYNA, DULSKI JAROSŁAW, DACA AGNIESZKA, Jacewicz Dagmara, PŁOSKA AGATA, KNAP NARCYZ, SŁAWEK JAROSŁAW, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, KALINOWSKI LESZEK, Drzeżdżon Joanna, ROSZMANN ANNA, BELKA MARIUSZ, GÓRSKA-PONIKOWSKA MAGDALENA - Acta Biochim. Pol. - 2023 : vol. 70, suppl. 3, s. 24
  16. Polysaccharide nanocomposites in wastewater treatment: a review - Al-Hazmi Hussein E., Łuczak Justyna, Habibzadeh Sajjad, Hasanin Mohamed S., Mohammadi Ali, Esmaeili Amin, Kim Seok-Jhin, Khodadadi Yazdi Mohsen, Rabiee Navid, Badawi Michael, SAEB MOHAMMAD REZA - Chemosphere - 2023 : vol. 347, art. ID 140578, s. 1-17, bibliogr. [183] poz., streszcz. ang.
  17. Novel 2-alkythio-4-chloro-N-imino(heteroaryl)methylbenzenesulfonamide derivatives: synthesis, molecular structure, anticancer activity and metabolic stability - ŻOŁNOWSKA BEATA, SŁAWIŃSKI JAROSŁAW, BELKA MARIUSZ, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, Chojnacki Jarosław, Kawiak Anna - Int. J. Mol. Sci. - 2023 : vol. 24, nr 11, art. ID 9768, s. 1-20, bibliogr. 51 poz., streszcz. ang.
  18. Testosterone concentration and aromatisation efficiency at different stages of gonad development: a case study with Mytilus edulis trossulus - GOŹDZIK PAULINA, Smolarz Katarzyna, KONIECZNA LUCYNA, HALLMANN ANNA - Invertebr. Reprod. Dev. - 2023 : vol. 67, nr 3-4, s. 59-65, bibliogr. [54] poz., streszcz. ang.
  19. The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in disposable baby diapers: A facile determination method via salting-out assisted liquid-liquid extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GEORGIEV PAWEŁ, BELKA MARIUSZ, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, Płotka-Wasylka Justyna - J. Chromatogr. A - 2023 : vol. 1698, art. ID 463981, s. 1-8, bibliogr. 22 poz., streszcz. ang.
  20. In vivo solid phase microextraction for therapeutic monitoring and pharmacometabolomic fingerprinting of lung during in vivo lung perfusion of FOLFOX - Looby Nikita, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, Yu Miao, Rios-Gomez German, Pipkin Mauricio, Bojko Barbara, Cypel Marcelo, Pawliszyn Janusz - J. Pharm. Anal. - 2023 : vol. 13, nr 10, s. 1195-1204, bibliogr. 36 poz., streszcz. ang.
  21. Persistence of norfluoxetine in marine mussels - HALLMANN ANNA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, Smolarz Katarzyna, Sokołowski Adam, Świeżak Justyna, Dube Neil, Caban Magda - Mar. Pollut. Bull. - 2023 : vol. 197, art. ID 115763, s. 1-7, bibliogr. [46] poz., streszcz. ang.
  22. Monitoring of age- and gender- related alterations of endocannabinoid levels in selected brain regions with the use of SPME probes - ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, Klejbor Ilona, Bogusiewicz Joanna, PLENIS ALINA, Bojko Barbara, Kowalik Katarzyna, MORYŚ JANUSZ, BĄCZEK TOMASZ - Metabolomics - 2023 : vol. 19, nr 4, art. ID 40, s. 1-15, bibliogr. [48] poz., streszcz. ang.
  23. Monitoring of sirolimus in the whole blood samples from pediatric patients with lymphatic anomalies - TREDER NATALIA, PLENIS ALINA, MALISZEWSKA OLGA, KACZMARCZYK NATALIA, OLĘDZKA ILONA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, BIEŃ EWA, KRAWCZYK MAŁGORZATA ANNA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA - Open Med. - 2023 : vol. 18, nr 1, art. ID 20230652, s. 1-13, bibliogr. 38 poz., streszcz. ang.
  24. Profiling docetaxel in plasma and urine samples from a pediatric cancer patient using ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with LC-MS/MS - MALISZEWSKA OLGA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, LIPIŃSKI MARCIN, TREDER NATALIA, OLĘDZKA ILONA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, BIEŃ EWA, KRAWCZYK MAŁGORZATA ANNA, PLENIS ALINA - Pharmaceutics - 2023 : vol. 15, nr 4, art. ID 1255, s. 1-16, bibliogr. 40 poz., streszcz. ang.
  25. Magnetic solid-phase microextraction protocol based on didodecyldimethylammonium bromide-functionalized nanoparticles for the quantification of epirubicin in biological matrices - TREDER NATALIA, Szuszczewicz Natalia, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, OLĘDZKA ILONA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, BIEŃ EWA, KRAWCZYK MAŁGORZATA ANNA, PLENIS ALINA - Pharmaceutics - 2023 : vol. 15, nr 4, art. ID 1227, s. 1-14, bibliogr. 32 poz., streszcz. ang.
  26. Off-line clean-up and on-line preconcentration new approaches prior to capillary electrophoresis separations of drugs and endogenous substances - BĄCZEK TOMASZ - Separations - 2023 : vol. 10, nr 2, s. 13-14, bibliogr. 6 poz.
  27. Sample pretreatment by Fe3O4 nanoparticles functionalized with ionic liquids and a double-chained surfactant - TREDER NATALIA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, OLĘDZKA ILONA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, PLENIS ALINA - Separations - 2023 : vol. 10, nr 2, s. 88-89, bibliogr. 4 poz.
  28. Highly efficient three-phase single drop microextraction coupled with a commercial capillary electrophoresis instrument - Jeong Sunkyung, Valdez Joseph E., Miękus Natalia, Kwon Joon Yub, Kwon Wooyong, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, Chung Doo Soo - Separations - 2023 : vol. 10, nr 2, s. 77-78
  29. Comparative study of various procedures for extracting doxorubicin from animal tissue samples - MALISZEWSKA OLGA, TREDER NATALIA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, OLĘDZKA ILONA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, PLENIS ALINA - Separations - 2023 : vol. 10, nr 1, art. ID 6, s. 1-14, bibliogr. 32 poz., streszcz. ang.
  30. Investigation of imidazolium-based ionic liquids as additives for the separation of urinary biogenic amines via capillary electrophoresis - KACZMARCZYK NATALIA, TREDER NATALIA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, PLENIS ALINA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, OLĘDZKA ILONA - Separations - 2023 : vol. 10, nr 2, art. ID 116, s. 1-15, bibliogr. 34 poz., streszcz. ang.
  31. Waste printer ink as modifier for natural rubber/carbon black composites: No haste, use waste - Hejna Aleksander, Wiśniewska Paulina, Kowalkowska-Zedler Daria, Korol Jerzy, Kosmela Paulina, Marć Mariusz, Ezzati Peyman, Szostek Marek, SAEB MOHAMMAD REZA - Sustain. Mater. Technol. - 2023 : vol.38, art. ID e00765, s. 1-12, bibliogr. 48 poz., streszcz. ang.
  32. Analytical aspects of sample handling during the quantification of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in clinical applications - OLĘDZKA ILONA, PLENIS ALINA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA - Trends Anal. Chem. - 2023 : vol. 162, art. ID 117026, s. 1-21, bibliogr. 76 poz., streszcz. ang.
  33. Strengths and weaknesses of ionic liquids as efficiency enhancers in capillary electrophoresis - KOWALSKI PIOTR, OLĘDZKA ILONA, PLENIS ALINA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ - Trends Anal. Chem. - 2023 : vol. 162, art. ID 117031, s. 1-12, bibliogr. 47 poz., streszcz. ang.
  34. Simultaneous determination of mitotane, its metabolite, and five steroid hormones in urine samples by capillary electrophoresis using β-CD2SDS1 complexes as hydrophobic compounds solubilizers - PIECKOWSKI MICHAŁ, KOWALSKI PIOTR, OLĘDZKA ILONA, MIĘKUS-PURWIN NATALIA, PLENIS ALINA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ - Electrophoresis - 2022 : vol. 43, nr 9-10, s. 990-997, bibliogr. 17 poz., streszcz. ang.
  35. Nanoemulsion supported microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography coupled with selected preconcentration techniques as an approach for analysis of highly hydrophobic compounds - PIECKOWSKI MICHAŁ, KOWALSKI PIOTR, OLĘDZKA ILONA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, PLENIS ALINA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ - J. Chromatogr. A - 2022 : vol. 1677, art. ID 463339, s. 1-8, bibliogr. 23 poz., streszcz. ang.
  36. Improvement of the QuEChERS method coupled with GC-MS/MS for the determination of pesticide residues in fresh fruit and vegetables - TANKIEWICZ MACIEJ, BERG ANDRZEJ - Microchem. J. - 2022 : vol. 181, art. ID 107794, s. 1-12, bibliogr. 47 poz., streszcz. ang.
  37. Effects of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticle functionalization with ionic liquids and a double-chained surfactant on the pretreatment of plasma samples during drug extraction - TREDER NATALIA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, OLĘDZKA ILONA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, PLENIS ALINA - Anal. Chem. - 2022 : vol. 94, nr 48, s. 16587-16595, bibliogr. 37 poz., streszcz. ang.
  38. Ionic liquids, microextraction methods and capillary electrophoresis in biomedical research - MIĘKUS NATALIA, Ceraficka Martyna, Chyła Marta, Durska Aleksandra, BĄCZEK TOMASZ - Curr. Pharm. Anal. - 2022 : vol. 18, nr 1, s. 55-62, bibliogr. 29 poz., streszcz. ang.
  39. Healthcare practitioners' diagnostic and treatment practice patterns of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Poland: a cross-sectional survey - Hartleb Marek, Mastalerz-Migas Agnieszka, KOWALSKI PIOTR, Okopień Bogusław, Popovic Branko, Proga Katarzyna, Cywińska-Durczak Beata - Eur. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. - 2022 : vol. 34, nr 4, s. 426-434, bibliogr. 44 poz., streszcz. ang.
  40. Vitamin D and anti-Müllerian hormone concentration in human follicular fluid individually aspirated from all patient follicles - Skowrońska Patrycja, Kunicki Michał, Pastuszek Ewa, KONIECZNA LUCYNA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, Męczekalski Błażej, Smolarczyk Roman, ŁUKASZUK KRZYSZTOF - Gynecol. Endocrinol. - 2022 : vol. 38, nr 1, s. 28-32, bibliogr. 34 poz., streszcz. ang.
  41. The cooperative anti-neoplastic activity of polyphenolic phytochemicals on human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell line MOLT-4 in vitro - KOSZAŁKA PATRYCJA, STASIŁOJĆ GRZEGORZ, MIĘKUS-PURWIN NATALIA, NIEDŹWIECKI MACIEJ, Purwin Maciej, Grabowski Szymon, BĄCZEK TOMASZ - Int. J. Mol. Sci. - 2022 : vol. 23, nr 9, art. ID 4753, s. 1-19, bibliogr. 111 poz., streszcz. ang.
  42. Response to: "Letter to the Editor, International Urology and Nephrology: Retrograde urethrography, sonouretrography and magnetic resonance urethrography in evaluation of male urethral strictures: should the novel methods become the new standard in radiological diagnosis of urethral stricture disease?" - FRANKIEWICZ MIKOŁAJ, MARKIET KAROLINA, KOZAK OLIWIA, Krukowski Jakub, Kałużny Adam, BELKA MARIUSZ, Naumczyk Patrycja, MATUSZEWSKI MARCIN - Int. Urol. Nephrol. - 2022 : vol. 54, nr 4, s. 813-814, bibliogr. 9 poz.
  43. Self-medication with drotaverine among patients with common abdominal symptoms and treatment efficacy from the perspectives of patients and general practitioners - An observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study using real-world data - Eder Piotr, KOWALSKI PIOTR, Mastalerz-Migas Agnieszka, Skrzydlo-Radomanska Barbara, Cichy Wojciech, Proga Katarzyna - J. Clin. Med. - 2022 : vol. 11, nr 11, art. ID 3156, s. 1-9, bibliogr. 25 poz., streszcz. ang.
  44. Metabolomic fingerprinting of porcine lung tissue during pre-clinical prolonged ex vivo lung perfusion using in vivo SPME coupled with LC-HRMS - Looby Nikita, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, Ali Aadil, Bojko Barbara, Cypel Marcelo, Pawliszyn Janusz - J. Pharm. Anal. - 2022 : vol. 12, nr 4, s. 590-600, bibliogr. 31 poz., streszcz. ang.
  45. Practical and theoretical considerations of the effects of ionic liquids on the separation properties of phenyl-based stationary phases in reversed-phase liquid chromatography - TREDER NATALIA, OLĘDZKA ILONA, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, PLENIS ALINA - Microchem. J. - 2022 : vol. 178, art. ID 107396, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 34 poz., streszcz. ang.
  46. Use of biomimetic chromatography and in vitro assay to develop predictive GA-MLR model for use in drug-property prediction among anti-depressant drug candidates - ULENBERG SZYMON, CIURA KRZESIMIR, GEORGIEV PAWEŁ, Pastewska Monika, Ślifirski Grzegorz, Król Marek, Herold Franciszek, BĄCZEK TOMASZ - Microchem. J. - 2022 : vol. 175, art. ID 107183, s. 1-9, bibliogr. 33 poz., streszcz. ang.
  47. Induction of 2-hydroxycatecholestrogens O-methylation: A missing puzzle piece in diagnostics and treatment of lung cancer - MUSIAŁ CLAUDIA, KNAP NARCYZ, ZAUCHA RENATA, BASTIAN PAULINA, Barone Giampaolo, Lo Bosco Giosuè, Lo-Celso Fabrizio, KONIECZNA LUCYNA, BELKA MARIUSZ, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, Gammazza Antonella Marino, KUBAN-JANKOWSKA ALICJA, Cappello Francesco, Nussberger Stephan, GÓRSKA-PONIKOWSKA MAGDALENA - Redox Biol. - 2022 : vol. 55, art. ID 102395, s. 1-13, bibliogr. 104 poz., streszcz. ang.
  48. The critical evaluation of the effects of imidazolium-based ionic liquids on the separation efficiency of selected biogenic amines and their metabolites during MEKC analysis - KACZMARCZYK NATALIA, Ciżewska Julita, TREDER NATALIA, MIĘKUS NATALIA, PLENIS ALINA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, OLĘDZKA ILONA - Talanta - 2022 : vol. 238, pt 1, art. ID 122997, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 30 poz., streszcz. ang.
  49. Recent advancements in techniques for analyzing modern, atypical antidepressants in complex biological matrices and their application in biomedical studies - ROSZKOWSKA ANNA, PLENIS ALINA, KOWALSKI PIOTR, BĄCZEK TOMASZ, OLĘDZKA ILONA - Trends Anal. Chem. - 2022 : vol. 152, art. ID 116609, s. 1-25, bibliogr. 94 poz., streszcz. ang.
Aktualizacja strony: 14.02.2025
Mariusz Belka, Piotr Kawczak, Dagmara Kroll