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Zakład Immunobiologii i Mikrobiologii Środowiska

Instytut Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej



Mesjasz A, Łobaza M, Jaskulak M, Trzeciak M. Parental preferences regarding the novel systemic treatment for atopic dermatitis in children. Acta Derm. Venereol. 2023 : vol. 103, suppl. adv18470, s. 58

Grzybowska M., Barcikowska Z, Rajkowska-Labone E, Wąż P, , Zorena KManual therapy – possible method for premenstrual syndrome relief. Eur. J.Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. 2024 : vol. 293, s. 230-231

Neubauer-Geryk J, Wielicka M, Myśliwiec M, , Zorena K, Bieniaszewski L. The impact of metabolic memory on immune profile in young patients with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes. Int.J.Mol.Sci. 2024 : vol. 25, nr 6 art. ID 3190, s. 1-18

Zimowska M, Rolbiecka M, , Antoniak -Pietrynczak K, Jaskulak M, Zorena K. Dynamics of serum inflammatory markers and adipokines in patients: implications for monitoring abnormal body weight: preliminary research. Metabolites. 2024 : vol. 14, nr 5, art. ID 260, s. 1-12

Mesjasz A, Suszyńska M, , Jaskulak, M, Trzeciak M.Parental Preferences Regarding the Novel Systemic Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis in Children. Dermatol. Pract. Concept 2024 : vol. 14, nr 2, art. ID e2024108, s. 1-3

Biały M, Kublin K, , Wilczyński B,, Forelli F, Gnat R. Does concomitant meniscectomy or meniscus repair affect muscle strength, lower extremity balance, and functional tests after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?. J. Clin. Med. 2024 : vol. 13, nr 11, art. ID 3310, s. 1-12


Mesjasz A, Łobaza M, Jaskulak M, Trzeciak M. Parental preferences regarding the novel systemic treatment for atopic dermatitis in children. Acta Derm. Venereol. 2023 : vol. 103, suppl. adv18470, s. 58

Antoniak-Pietrynczak, Zorena K,Jaskulak M, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Koziński M.Effect of manual lymphatic drainage on the concentrations of selected adipokines, cytokines, C-reactive protein and parameters of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in patients with abnormal body mass index: focus on markers of obesity and insulin resistanceInt. J. Mol. Sci. 2023 : vol. 24, nr 12, art. ID 10338, s. 1-21, DOI: 10.3390/ijms241210338

Mesjasz A, Trzeciak M, Gleń J, Jaskulak M. Potential role of IL-37 in atopic dermatitis. Cells, 2023 : vol. 12, nr 23, art. ID 2766, s. 1-15, DOI: 10.3390/cells12232766

Kijewska A, Koroza A, Grudlewska-Buda K, Kijewski T, Wiktorczyk-Kapischke N, Zorena K, Skowron K. 2023. Molluscs – a ticking microbial bomb.Front. Microbiol. 13, ID 1061223, 1-19

• Zakrzewski A J,Kurpas M, Zadernowska A, Chajecka-Wierzchowska W, Fraqueza M J. 2023. A Comprehensive Virulence and Resistance Characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Fish and the Fish Industry.Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 3581.

Neubauer-Geryk J, Wielicka M, Myśliwiec M, Zorena K, Bieniaszewski L. The relationship between TNF-a, IL-35, VEGF and cutaneous microvascular dysfunction in young patients with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes. Biomedicines, 2023 : vol. 11, nr 10, art. ID 2857, s. 1-18, DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines11102857

Mrugacz M, Pony-Uram Magdalena, Bryl Anna,Zorena K. Current approach to the pathogenesis of diabetic cataracts. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023 : vol. 24, nr 7, art. ID 6317, s. 1-14, DOI:10.3390/ijms24076317

Bryl Anna, Mrugacz Małgorzata, Falkowski Mariusz, Zorena K. A Mediterranean diet may be protective in the development of diabetic retinopathy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023 : vol. 24, nr 13, art. ID 11145, s. 1-19, DOI: 10.3390/ijms241311145

Wąż P, Zorena K, Murawska Anna, Bielińska- Wąż D. Classification maps: a new mathematical tool supporting the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration.J. Pers. Med. 2023 : vol. 13, nr 7, art. ID 1074, s. 1-17, DOI: 10.3390/jpm13071074

Lendzioszek M, Mrugacz M, Bryl A, Poppe E, Zorena K. Prevention and treatment of retinal vein occlusion: the role of diet – a review. Nutrients, 2023 : vol. 15, nr 14, art. ID 3237, s. 1-18, DOI: 10.3390/nu15143237

Wilczyński B, Juszczyk D,Zorena K, Mital A. Strength training program for an athlete with hemophilia A and an inhibitor while taking a new prophylactic drug treatment: a case report. Physiother. Theory Pract. 2023 : vol. 23, nr 11, s. 2470-2478, DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2022.2070886

Bruzda Rafał, Wilczyński B, Zorena K. Knee function and quality of life in adolescent soccer players with Osgood Shlatter disease history : a preliminary study. Sci. Rep.2023 : vol. 13, art. ID 19200, s. 1-8, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-46537-72022

Antoniak K, Zorena K, Jaskulak M, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Mrugacz M, Koziński M. 2022. Significant Decrease in Glycated Hemoglobin, 2h-Post-Load Glucose and High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Levels in Patients with Abnormal Body Mass Index after Therapy with Manual Lymphatic Drainage. Biomedicines. 10(7):1730.

• Bryl A, Falkowski M, Zorena K, Mrugacz M. 2022. The Role of Resveratrol in Eye Diseases—A Review of the Literature. Nutrients. 14(14):2974.

Jaskulak M, Rorat A, Vandenbulcke F, Pauwels M, Grzmil P, Plytycz B. 2022. Polymorphic microsatellite markers demonstrate hybridization and interspecific gene flow between lumbricid earthworm species, Eisenia andrei and E. fetida. PLoS ONE 17(2): 1-12 e0262493.

• Grudlewska-Buda K, Wiktorczyk-Kapischke N, Budzyńska A, Kwiecińska-Piróg J, Przekwas J, Kijewska A, Sabiniarz D, Gospodarek-Komkowska E, Skowron K. 2022. The Variable Nature of Vitamin C—Does It Help When Dealing with Coronavirus? Antioxidants. 11(7):1247.

Wilczyński B, Łukasz Radzimiński Ł, Sobierajska-Rek A, Zorena K 2022. Association between Selected Screening Tests and Knee Alignment in Single-Leg Tasks among Young Football Players. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 19(11): 6719.

• Rudzinska M, Kowalewska B, Kurpas M, Szostakowska B. 2022. Rare Occurrence of Blastocystis in Pet Animals and Their Owners in the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland in the Light of Literature Data. J. Clin. Med. 11(11): 2975.

Barcikowska Z, Grzybowska ME, Wąż P, Jaskulak M, Kurpas M, Sotomski M, Starzec-Proserpio M, Rajkowska-Labon E, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Zorena K. 2022. Effect of Manual Therapy Compared to Ibuprofen on Primary Dysmenorrhea in Young Women— Concentration Assessment of C-Reactive Protein, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Prostaglandins and Sex Hormones. J Clinic. Med. 11(10): 2686.

• Wiktorczyk-Kapischke N, Wałecka-Zacharska E, Skowron K, Kijewska A, Bernaciak Z, Bauza-Kaszewska J, Kraszewska Z, Gospodarek-Komkowska E. 2022. Comparison of Selected Phenotypic Features of Persistent and Sporadic Strains of Listeria monocytogenes Sampled from Fish Processing Plants. Foods 2022, 11(10): 1492.

Wilczyński B, Juszczyk D, Zorena K, Mital A. 2022. Strength training program for an athlete with hemophilia A and an inhibitor while taking a new prophylactic drug treatment: a case report. Physiotherapy Theory And Practice; 10.1080/09593985.2022.2070886: 1-9.

Zorena K, Michalska M, Kurpas M, Jaskulak M, Murawska A, Rostami S. 2022. Environmental Factors and the Risk of Developing Type 1 Diabetes-Old Disease and New Data. Biology-Basel 11(4): 608.

Antoniak K, Zorena K, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Wojtowicz D, Kozinski M. 2022. Favourable Changes in C-Peptide, C-Reactive Protein and Lipid Profile, and Improved Quality of Life in Patients with Abnormal Body Mass Index after the Use of Manual Lymphatic Drainage: A Case Series with Three-Month Follow-Up. Medicina – Lithuania 58(2): 273.

• Bryl A, Mrugacz M, Falkowski M, Zorena K. 2022. The Effect of Diet and Lifestyle on the Course of Diabetic Retinopathy-A Review of the Literature. Nutrients 14(6): 1252

Jaskulak M, Rostami S, Zorena K, Vandenbulcke F. 2022. Transcriptome Sequencing of Brassica napus highlights the complex issues with soil supplementation with sewage sludge. Chemosphere 298: 134321.

Jaskulak M, Sotomski M, Michalska M, Marks R, Zorena K. 2022. The effects of wastewater treatment plant failure on the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic Sea). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19(4):2048.


Kurpas M, Michalska M, Zakrzewski A, Zorena K 2021. First report of the presence of Vibrio vulnificus in the Gulf of Gdansk. Int. Marit. Health 72:247-251

Michalska M, Zorena K, Marks R, Wąż P. 2021. The emergency discharge of sewage to the Bay of Gdańsk as a source of bacterial enrichment in coastal air. Sci Rep 11:20959.

• Rostami S, Jafari S, Moeini Z, Jaskulak M, Keshtgar L, Badeenezhad A, Azhdarpoor A, Rostami M, Zorena K, Dehghani M. 2021. Current methods and technologies for degradation of atrazine in contaminated soil and water: A review. Environ. Technol. Innov. 24: 102019

• Rostami S, Azhdarpoor A, Rostami M, Mohammadi F, Jaskulak M, Dehghani M, Samaei MR, Baghapour MA. 2021. Improvement of the Rhizoremediation efficiency of PAHs contaminated soil under cysteine treatment along with modeling. nviron. Nanotechnol. Monit. Manag. 16:100519.

Michalska M, Kurpas M, Zorena K, Wąż P, Marks R. 2021. Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida sp. in the seaside air in the Gdańsk Gulf after an emergency discharge of raw sewage. Proceedings, The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health.

Barcikowska Z, Grzybowska ME, Rajkowska-Labon E, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Zorena K. 2021. The evaluation of progesterone and dysmenorrhea levels after the manual therapy in young women in relation to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Barcikowska Z, Rajkowska-Labon E, Grzybowska ME, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Wąż P, Zorena K. 2021. An evaluation of the effectiveness of ibuprofen and manual therapy in young women with dysmenorrhea : a pilot study. Healthcare (Basel) 9(6): 1-16.

Wilczyński B, Wąż P, Zorena K. 2021. Impact of three strengthening exercises on dynamic knee valgus and balance with poor knee control among young football players : a randomized controlled trial. Healthcare (Basel) 9(5): 1-16.

Michalska M, Kurpas M, Zorena K, Wąż P, Marks R. 2021. Mold and yeast-like fungi in the seaside air of the gulf of Gdańsk (Southern Baltic) after an emergency disposal of raw sewage. J. Fungi 7(3) 1-14.

• Lange S, Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska W, Zorena K, Dąbrowski S, Ślęzak D, Małecka-Dubiela A, Rutkowski P. 2021. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis as a complication after gadolinium-containing contrast agents : a rapid review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(6): 1-12.

• Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska W, Ślęzak D, Robakowska M, Żuratyński P, Krzyżanowski K, Małecka-Dubiela A, Dąbrowski S, Zorena K, Lewandowska K, Ozga D, Chmielarz K, Buca P, Tomaszek L. 2021. Evaluation of capillary blood gases in medical personnel. Caring for patients isolated due to sars-cov-2 in intensive. Care units before and after using enhanced filtration masks: a prospective cohort. Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(17): 1-10.

Wilczyński B, Hinca J, Ślęzak D, Zorena K. 2021. The relationship between dynamic balance and jumping tests among adolescent amateur Rugby players : a preliminary study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(1): 1-17.

Michalska M, Wąż P, Kurpas M, Marks R, Zorena K. 2021. Higher number of yeast-like fungi in the air in 2018 after an emergency discharge of raw sewage to the Gulf of Gdańsk : use of contingency tables. Symmetry 13(8): 1-11.

Antoniak K, Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Mrugacz M, Zorena K. 2021. Adipose tissue and biological factors. possible link between lymphatic system dysfunction and obesity. Metabolites 11(9): 1-24.

• Mrugacz M, Bryl A, Falkowski M, Zorena K. 2021. Integrins: an important link between angiogenesis, inflammation and eye diseases. Cells 10(7): 1-13.

• Mrugacz M, Bryl A, Zorena K. 2021. Retinal vascular endothelial cell dysfunction and neuroretinal degeneration in diabetic patients. J. Clin. Med. 10(3): 1-18.


• Neubauer-Geryk J, Wielicka M, Kozera G, Myśliwiec M, Zorena K, Bieniaszewski L. 2020. Common carotid pulsatility is deteriorated by autoimmune thyroiditis in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a pilot study. Physiol. Rep.8(15): 1-8.

• Renke J, Wasilewska E, Kędzierska-Mieszkowska S, Zorena K, Barańska S, Wenta T, Liberek A, Siluk D, Żurawa-Janicka D, Szczepankiewicz A, Renke M, Lipińska B. 2020. Tumor suppressors-HTRA proteases and interleukin-12: in pediatric asthma and allergic rhinitis patients. Medicina-Lithuania 56(6): 1-9.

Antoniak K, Zorena K, Hansdorfer-Korzon R. 2020. Manualny drenaż limfatyczny, jako jedna z form terapii funkcji układu limfatycznego związanej z otyłością. Osiągnięcia, wyzwania oraz problemy nauk przyrodniczych i medycznych. Red. Alicja Danielewska, Monika Maciąg, Lublin : Wydawnictwo Naukowe TYGIEL sp. z o. o., pp: 29-38.

Zorena K, Jachimowicz-Duda O, Ślęzak D, Robakowska M, Mrugacz M. 2020. Adipokines and obesity :potential link to metabolic disorders and chronic complications. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(6): 1-23.

• Barcikowska Z, Wójcik-Bilkiewicz K, Sobierajska-Rek A, Grzybowska ME, Wąż P, Zorena K. 2020. Dysmenorrhea and associated factors among Polish women : a cross-sectional study. Pain Res. Manag. 2020: 1-10.

Michalska M, Antoniak K, Zorena K, Hansdorfer-Korzon R. 2020. Manualny drenaż limfatyczny, jako jedna z form terapii funkcji układu limfatycznego związanej z otyłością. Osiągnięcia, wyzwania oraz problemy nauk przyrodniczych i medycznych. Red. Alicja Danielewska, Monika Maciąg, Lublin : Wydawnictwo Naukowe TYGIEL sp. z o. o., pp: 29-38.

Zorena K, Wąż P, Bartoszewicz M, Brandt-Varma A, Ślęzak D, Robakowska M. 2020. Gaseous pollutants and particulate matter (PM) in ambient air and the number of new cases of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents in the pomeranian voivodeship, Poland BioMed Res. Int. 2020: 1648264.

Barcikowska Z, Rajkowska-Labon E, Grzybowska M.E., Hansdorfer-Korzon R, Zorena K. 2020. Inflammatory markers in dysmenorrhea and therapeutic options. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(4): 1-14

Wilczyński B, Zorena K, Ślęzak D. 2020. Dynamic knee valgus in single-leg movement tasks : potentially modifiable factors and exercise training options : a literature review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17(21): 1-18.


Michalska M, Zorena K, Bartoszewicz M. 2019. Analysis of faecal bacteria isolated from air and seawater samples following an emergency sewage discharge into the Gulf of Gdansk in 2018 : preliminary study. Int. Marit. Health. 70(4): 239-243.

• Wołyniec W, Kasprowicz K, Giebułtowicz J, Korytkowska N, Zorena K, Bartoszewicz M, Rita-Tkachenko P, Renke M, Ratkowski W. 2019. Changes in water soluble uremic toxins and urinary acute kidney injury biomarkers after 10- and 100-km runs. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16(21): 1-18.

Michalska M, Wąż P, Zorena K, Bartoszewicz M, Korzeniowska K, Krawczyk S, Bień-Skowronek I, Myśliwiec M. 2019. Potential effects of microbial air quality on the number of new cases of diabetes type 1 in children in two regions of Poland : a pilot study. Infect. Drug Resist. 12:2323-2334.


Zorena K, Myśliwiec M. 2018. Przewlekłe Powikłania Cukrzycy : Cukrzycowa Choroba Oczu. W: Diabetologia wieku rozwojowego. Red. nauk. M. Myśliwiec, P. Jarosz-Chobot. PZWL Wydawnictwo Lekarskie. Rozdz. 16: 213-222.

Michalska M, Bartoszewicz M, Wąż P, Korzeniowska K, Myśliwiec M, Zorena K. 2018. Związek pomiędzy stężeniem pyłu zawieszonego PM10, a liczbą świeżych zachorowań na cukrzycę typu 1 u dzieci i młodzieży w województwie pomorskim. Med Środ. 21(3):25–27.

• Wołyniec W, Ratkowski W, Urbański R, Bartoszewicz M, Siluk D, Wołyniec Z, Kasprowicz K, Zorena K, Renke M. 2018. Urinary kidney injury molecule-1 but not urinary neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin is increased after short maximal exercise. Nephron. 138(1):29-34.


Michalska M, Bartoszewicz M, Wąż P, Kozaczuk S, Bień-Skowronek I, Zorena K. 2017. PM10 concentration and microbiological assessment of air in relation to the number of acute cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Lubelskie Voivodeship : preliminary report. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Diabet. Metab. 23(2):70-76

• Wołyniec W, Ratkowski W, Zorena K, Januszczyk J, Kuźbicka K, Urbański R, Tkachenko-Rita P, Renke M, Rachoń D. 2016. What does post-exercise proteinuria tell us about kidneys? Centr. Eur. J Sport Sci. Med. 14(2): 93-100.

• Drewa A, Zorena K. 2017. Prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents in European countries. Pediatr. Endocrinol. Diabet. Metab. 23(3):152-58.

Zorena K. 2016. Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus : adipocytokines as markers of insulin resistance. Sc. ed. Atta-ur-Rahman. Bentham Science Publishers; Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity, vol. 3: 195-238.

Zorena K, Kowalewska B, Szmigiero-Kawko M, Wąż P, Myśliwiec M. 2016. No effect of yeast-like fungi on lipid metabolism and vascular endothelial growth factor level in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Ital. J. Pediatr. 42(1):107.

• Kowalewska B, Zorena K, Szmigiero-Kawko M, Wąż P, Myśliwiec M. 2016. High Interleukin-12 Levels May Prevent an Increase in the Amount of Fungi in the Gastrointestinal Tract during the First Years of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1. Dis Markers. 2016:4685976

• Malaguarnera L, Marsullo A, Zorena K, Musumeci G, Di Rosa M. 2016. Vitamin D3 regulates LAMP3 expression in monocyte derived dendritic cells. Cell Immunol. 311:13-21

• Kadłubowska J, Malaguarnera L, Wąż P, Zorena K. 2016. Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation in Diabetic Retinopathy: Potential Approaches to Delay Neuronal Loss. Curr Neuropharmacol. 14(8):831-839

• Kowalewska B, Zorena K, Szmigiero-Kawko M, Wąż P, Myśliwiec M. 2016. Higher diversity in fungal species discriminates children with type 1 diabetes mellitus from healthy control. Patient Prefer Adherence. 21(10):591-9

• Szmygel Ł, Kosiak W, Zorena K, Myśliwiec M. 2016. Optic Nerve and Cerebral Edema in the Course of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Curr Neuropharmacol. 14(8):784-791.

Zorena K, Jachimowicz-Duda O, Wąż P. 2016. The cut-off value for interleukin 34 as an additional potential inflammatory biomarker for the prediction of the risk of diabetic complications. Biomarkers. 21(3): 276-82. doi: 10

• Di Rosa M, Distefano G, Zorena K, Malaguarnera L. 2016. Chitinases and immunity: Ancestral molecules with new functions. Immunobiology. 221(3): 399-411

• Raczyńska D, Lipowski P, Zorena K, Skorek A, Glasner P. 2015. Enzymatic vitreolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator for vitreomacular traction. Drug Des. Devel. Ther. 27(9):6259-68

Zorena K. 2014. Anti-inflammatory therapy in diabetic retinopathy. Mediators Inflamm. 2014:947896

• Raczyńska D, Zorena K, Urban B, Zalewski D, Skorek A, Malukiewicz G, Sikorski BL. 2014. Current trends in the monitoring and treatment of diabetic retinopathy in young adults. Mediators Inflamm. 2014:492926

• Jachimowicz-Duda O, Zorena K, Myśliwiec M. 2014. Zastosowanie małych dawek insulin długodziałającej jako skutecznej terapii w cukrzycy typu LADA — opisy przypadków.

Bartoszewicz M, Michalska M, Cieszyńska M. 2014. Antybiotykooporność bakterii heterotroficznych jako skutek zanieczyszczenia środowiska.

Zorena K, Jachimowicz-Duda O, Raczyńska D, Raczyńska K, Myśliwiec M. 2014. Serum concentration of selected chemokines (CXCL1/GROα and CXCL8/IL8) in patients with type 1 diabetes. Endocrynol. Ped. 13(1): 9-1

Zorena K, Raczyńska D, Raczyńska K. 2013. Biomarkers in diabetic retinopathy and the therapeutic implications. Mediators Inflamm. 2013:193604.

Zorena K, Raczyńska D, Wiśniewski P, Malinowska E, Myśliwiec M, Raczyńska K, Rachoń D. 2013. Relationship between serum transforming growth factor β 1 concentrations and the duration of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents. Mediators Inflamm. 2013:849457

Zorena K, Malinowska E, Raczyńska D, Myśliwiec M, Raczyńska K. 2013. Serum concentrations of transforming growth factor-Beta 1 in predicting the occurrence of diabetic retinopathy in juvenile patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Res. 2013:614908. < doi: 10.1155/2013/614908

Zorena K, Kula M, Malinowska E, Raczyńska D, Myśliwiec M, Raczyńska K. 2013. Threshold serum concentrations of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) as a potential marker of the presence of microangiopathy in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Hum. Immunol. 74(1):75-81

Zorena K, Malinowska E, Raczyńska D, Myśliwiec M. 2012. Ocena związku pomiędzy surowiczymi stężeniami końcowych produktów glikacji (AGEs) i transformującego czynnika wzrostu – beta 1 (TGF-β1) a występowaniem mikroangioaptii u dzieci i młodzieży chorujących na cukrzycę typu 1.

Zorena K, Raczyńska D, Raczyńska K. 2012. Immunological risk factors for the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy. [W:] Diabetic retinopathy / edited by Mohammad Shamsul Ola, ISBN 978-953-51-0044-7, InTech, February, pp. 137-162

• Cieszynska M., Wesołowski M., Bartoszewicz M., Michalska M, Nowacki J. 2012. Application of physicochemical data for water-quality assessment of watercourses in the Gdansk Municipality (South Baltic coast). Environ. Monit. Assess. 184(4):2017-29

• Cieszynska M., Wesołowski M., Bartoszewicz M., Michalska M, Nowacki J. 2012. Application of physicochemical data for water-quality assessment of watercourses in the Gdansk Municipality (South Baltic coast). Environ. Monit. Assess. 184(4):2017-29

• Cieszynska M, Wesołowski M, Bartoszewicz M, Michalska M. 2011. Assessment of river water quality in the South Baltic coast by multivariate techniques.

Michalska M, Bartoszewicz M, Cieszyńska M, Nowacki J. 2011. Bioaerozol morski w rejonie Zatoki Gdańskiej.

Michalska M, Bartoszewicz M, Cieszyńska M, Nowacki J. 2010. Bioaerosols on Tri-city (Gdansk-Sopot-Gdynia) beaches.

Michalska M, Cieszyńska M, Nowacki J, Bartoszewicz M. 2009. Wpływ solanki na liczbę bakterii w wodzie naddennej i osadach dennych. < Przegląd Geologiczny, 57 (9)

Michalska M, Bartoszewicz M, Cieszyńska M., Nowacki J., 2009, Bioaerozol jako potencjalny czynnik zanieczyszczenia środowiska w rejonie trójmiejskich plaż.

• Wolska L, Namiesnik J, Michalska M, Bartoszewicz M. 2008. Preliminary study on toxicity od aquatic ecosystems in Bug River Basin.

Michalska M, Bartoszewicz M, Szumilas T, Nowacki J. 2006. Stan sanitarny kąpielisk nad Zatoką Gdańską administrowanych przez Gminę Miasta Sopotu w latach 1996 – 2004.

Aktualizacja strony: 13.02.2025
Marta Jaskulak, Monika Kurpas, Małgorzata Michalska, Bartosz Wilczyński, Katarzyna Zorena