Zakład Medycyny Laboratoryjnej
Katedra Biochemii Klinicznej
Najważniejsze publikacje:
- 1. Michno A., Kirkor Z., Gojtowska E., Suchorzewski M., Śmietańska I., Baścik B.: Pulsed radiofrequency neuromodulation contributes to activation of platelet-rich plasma in in vitro conditions. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface. DOI: 10.1111/ner.13105 (2020).
2. Ronowska A., Gul-Hinc S., Michno A., Bizon-Zygmańska D., Zyśk M., Bielarczyk H., Szutowicz A., Gapys B., Jankowska-Kulawy A.: Aggravated effects of coexisting marginal thiamine deficits and zinc excess on SN56 neuronal cells. Nutritional Neuroscience;×.2019.1641296. (2019).
3. Cichorek M, Ronowska A, Gensicka-Kowalewska M, Deptula M, Pelikant-Malecka I, Dzierzbicka K.Novel therapeutic compound acridine-retrotuftsin action on biological forms of melanoma and neuroblastoma.J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. Jan;145(1):165-179. (2019).
4. Gensicka-Kowalewska M, Cichorek M, Ronowska A, Deptuła M, Klejbor I, Dzierzbicka K. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Acridine/Acridone Analogs as Potential Anticancer Agents. Med Chem. Oct 15 . doi: 10.2174/1573406414666181015145120. (2018).
5. Rutkowska, A., Shimshek D.R., Sailer, A.W., & Dev, K.K. The oxysterol receptor EBI2 regulates pro-inflammatory signalling and cytokine release in the central nervous system. Neuropharmacology. 133:121-128 ( 2018).
6. Rutkowska, A., Sailer, A.W., & Dev, K.K. EBI2 receptor regulates myelin development and inhibits LPC-induced demyelination. Journal of Neuroinflammation.16;14(1):250. (2017).
7. Zyśk M., Bielarczyk H., Gul-Hinc S., Dyś A., Gapys B., Ronowska A., Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M., Szutowicz A.: Phenotype-dependent interactions between N-acetyl-L-aspartate and acetyl-CoA in septal SN56 cholinergic cells exposed to an excess of zinc. Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 56, 1145-1158. (2017).
8. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Zyśk M., Dyś A., Ronowska A., Gul-Hinc S., Klimaszewska-Łata J. Early and late pathomechanisms in Alzheimers disease: From zinc to amyloid-β neurotoxicity. Neurochem. Res. DOI 10.1007/s1 1064-016-2154-z. (2016).
9. Bielarczyk H., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Hofling C., Ronowska A., Gul-Hinc S., Roßner S., Schliebs R., Pawelczyk T., Szutowicz A.: AβPP-transgenic 2576 mice mimic cell type-specific aspects of acetyl-CoA-linked metabolic deficits in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 48, 1083–1094. DOI 10.3233/JAD-150327 (2015).
10. Klimaszeska-Łata J., Gul-Hinc S., Bielarczyk H., Ronowska A., Zyśk M., Grużewska K., Pawełczyk T., Szutowicz A.: Differential effects of lipopolysaccharide on energy metabolism in murine microglial N9 and cholinergic SN56 neuronal cells. Journal of Neurochemistry 133, 284-297 (2015).
11. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Ronowska A., Pawełczyk T: Retinoic acid as a therapeutic option in Alzheimer’s disease: a focus on cholinergic restoration. Expert Rev. Neurother. 15(3), 239–249 (2015).
12. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Pawełczyk T, Ronowska A.: Acetyl-CoA the key factor for survival or death of cholinergic neurons in course of neurodegenerative disorders. Neurochem. Res. 38:1523–1542, DOI 10.1007/s11064-013-1060-x, (2013).
13. Bizon-Zygmańska D., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Ronowska A., Marszałł M., Szutowicz A.: Acetyl-CoA metabolism in amprolium-evoked thiamine pyrophosphate deficits in cholinergic SN56 neuroblastoma cells. Neurochem. Int. 59, 208-216 (2011).
14. Jankowska-Kulawy A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Wróblewska M., Szutowicz A.: Acetyl-CoA and acetylcholine metabolism in nerve terminal compartment of thiamine deficient rat brain. J. Neurochem. 115, 333-342 (2010).
15. Jankowska-Kulawy A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Wróblewska M., Szutowicz A.Acetyl-CoA deficyt in brain mitochondria in experimental thiamine deficiencyencephalopathy. Neurochem. Int. 57, 851-856 (2010).
16. Ronowska A., Dyś A., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Klimaszewska-Łata J., Bielarczyk H.,Romianowski P., Pawełczyk T., Szutowicz A. Short-term effects of zinc onacetylocholine metabolism and viability of SN56 cholinergic neuroblastoma cells.Neurochem. Internatl. 56, 143-151 (2010).
17. Wróblewska M, Szutowicz A. Apo A-II participates in HDL-liposome interaction bythe formation of new pre- mobility particles and the modification of liposomes.Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids 1801, 1323-1329 (2010).
18. Wróblewska M., Kortas-Stempak B., Szutowicz A., Badzio T.: Phosppholipidsmediated conversion of HDLs generates specific apoA-II pre- mobility particles.J Lipid Res, 50, 667-675 (2009).
19. Jankowska-Kulawy A., Gul-Hinc S., Bielarczyk H., Suszkiw J.B., Pawełczyk T., Dyś A., Szutowicz A.: Effect of lead on cholinergic SN56 neuroblastoma cells, Acta Neurobiol Exp 68, 453-462 (2008).
20. Ochocka A.M., Grdeń M., Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M., Szutowicz A., Pawełczyk T.:Regulation of phospholipase C-1 by ARGHAP6, a GTPase-activating proteinfor RhoA: Possible role for enhanced activity of phospholipase C in hypertension.J Biochem 40, 2264-2273 (2008).
21. Michno A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Klimaszewska J., Szutowicz A.: Alternations of adenine nucleotide metabolism and function of blood platelets in patients with diabetes. Diabetes, vol. 56, nr 2, s. 462-464, bibliogr. 32 poz., (2007).
22. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Gul S., Ronowska A., Pawełczyk T., Jankowska-Kulawy A.: Phenotype-dependent susceptibility of cholinergic neuroblastoma cells to neurotoxic inputs. Metab. Brain Dis. 21:149-161 (2006). - 2. Ronowska A., Gul-Hinc S., Michno A., Bizon-Zygmańska D., Zyśk M., Bielarczyk H., Szutowicz A., Gapys B., Jankowska-Kulawy A.: Aggravated effects of coexisting marginal thiamine deficits and zinc excess on SN56 neuronal cells. Nutritional Neuroscience;×.2019.1641296. (2019).
- 17. Wróblewska M, Szutowicz A. Apo A-II participates in HDL-liposome interaction bythe formation of new pre- mobility particles and the modification of liposomes.Biochim. Biophys. Acta. Mol. Cell Biol. Lipids 1801, 1323-1329 (2010).
- 3. Cichorek M, Ronowska A, Gensicka-Kowalewska M, Deptula M, Pelikant-Malecka I, Dzierzbicka K.Novel therapeutic compound acridine-retrotuftsin action on biological forms of melanoma and neuroblastoma.J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. Jan;145(1):165-179. (2019).
- 4. Gensicka-Kowalewska M, Cichorek M, Ronowska A, Deptuła M, Klejbor I, Dzierzbicka K. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Acridine/Acridone Analogs as Potential Anticancer Agents. Med Chem. Oct 15 . doi: 10.2174/1573406414666181015145120. (2018).
- 6. Rutkowska, A., Sailer, A.W., & Dev, K.K. EBI2 receptor regulates myelin development and inhibits LPC-induced demyelination. Journal of Neuroinflammation.16;14(1):250. (2017).
- 10. Klimaszeska-Łata J., Gul-Hinc S., Bielarczyk H., Ronowska A., Zyśk M., Grużewska K., Pawełczyk T., Szutowicz A.: Differential effects of lipopolysaccharide on energy metabolism in murine microglial N9 and cholinergic SN56 neuronal cells. Journal of Neurochemistry 133, 284-297 (2015).
- 5. Rutkowska, A., Shimshek D.R., Sailer, A.W., & Dev, K.K. The oxysterol receptor EBI2 regulates pro-inflammatory signalling and cytokine release in the central nervous system. Neuropharmacology. 133:121-128 ( 2018).
- 18. Wróblewska M., Kortas-Stempak B., Szutowicz A., Badzio T.: Phosppholipidsmediated conversion of HDLs generates specific apoA-II pre- mobility particles.J Lipid Res, 50, 667-675 (2009).
- 9. Bielarczyk H., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Hofling C., Ronowska A., Gul-Hinc S., Roßner S., Schliebs R., Pawelczyk T., Szutowicz A.: AβPP-transgenic 2576 mice mimic cell type-specific aspects of acetyl-CoA-linked metabolic deficits in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 48, 1083–1094. DOI 10.3233/JAD-150327 (2015).
- 7. Zyśk M., Bielarczyk H., Gul-Hinc S., Dyś A., Gapys B., Ronowska A., Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M., Szutowicz A.: Phenotype-dependent interactions between N-acetyl-L-aspartate and acetyl-CoA in septal SN56 cholinergic cells exposed to an excess of zinc. Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 56, 1145-1158. (2017).
- 12. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Pawełczyk T, Ronowska A.: Acetyl-CoA the key factor for survival or death of cholinergic neurons in course of neurodegenerative disorders. Neurochem. Res. 38:1523–1542, DOI 10.1007/s11064-013-1060-x, (2013).
- 8. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Zyśk M., Dyś A., Ronowska A., Gul-Hinc S., Klimaszewska-Łata J. Early and late pathomechanisms in Alzheimers disease: From zinc to amyloid-β neurotoxicity. Neurochem. Res. DOI 10.1007/s1 1064-016-2154-z. (2016).
- 11. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Ronowska A., Pawełczyk T: Retinoic acid as a therapeutic option in Alzheimer’s disease: a focus on cholinergic restoration. Expert Rev. Neurother. 15(3), 239–249 (2015).
- 13. Bizon-Zygmańska D., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Ronowska A., Marszałł M., Szutowicz A.: Acetyl-CoA metabolism in amprolium-evoked thiamine pyrophosphate deficits in cholinergic SN56 neuroblastoma cells. Neurochem. Int. 59, 208-216 (2011).
- 14. Jankowska-Kulawy A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Wróblewska M., Szutowicz A.: Acetyl-CoA and acetylcholine metabolism in nerve terminal compartment of thiamine deficient rat brain. J. Neurochem. 115, 333-342 (2010).
- 16. Ronowska A., Dyś A., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Klimaszewska-Łata J., Bielarczyk H.,Romianowski P., Pawełczyk T., Szutowicz A. Short-term effects of zinc onacetylocholine metabolism and viability of SN56 cholinergic neuroblastoma cells.Neurochem. Internatl. 56, 143-151 (2010).
- 15. Jankowska-Kulawy A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Wróblewska M., Szutowicz A.Acetyl-CoA deficyt in brain mitochondria in experimental thiamine deficiencyencephalopathy. Neurochem. Int. 57, 851-856 (2010).
- 19. Jankowska-Kulawy A., Gul-Hinc S., Bielarczyk H., Suszkiw J.B., Pawełczyk T., Dyś A., Szutowicz A.: Effect of lead on cholinergic SN56 neuroblastoma cells, Acta Neurobiol Exp 68, 453-462 (2008).
- 21. Michno A., Bielarczyk H., Pawełczyk T., Jankowska-Kulawy A., Klimaszewska J., Szutowicz A.: Alternations of adenine nucleotide metabolism and function of blood platelets in patients with diabetes. Diabetes, vol. 56, nr 2, s. 462-464, bibliogr. 32 poz., (2007).
- 20. Ochocka A.M., Grdeń M., Sakowicz-Burkiewicz M., Szutowicz A., Pawełczyk T.:Regulation of phospholipase C-1 by ARGHAP6, a GTPase-activating proteinfor RhoA: Possible role for enhanced activity of phospholipase C in hypertension.J Biochem 40, 2264-2273 (2008).
- 22. Szutowicz A., Bielarczyk H., Gul S., Ronowska A., Pawełczyk T., Jankowska-Kulawy A.: Phenotype-dependent susceptibility of cholinergic neuroblastoma cells to neurotoxic inputs. Metab. Brain Dis. 21:149-161 (2006).