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Zakład Farmakodynamiki

Katedra Biofarmacji i Farmakodynamiki


  • STRUCK-LEWICKA WIKTORIA, Karpińska Beata, RODZAJ WOJCIECH, NASAL ANTONI, WIELGOMAS BARTOSZ, MARKUSZEWSKI MICHAŁ JAN, SILUK DANUTA: Development of the thin film solid phase microextraction (TF-SPME) method for metabolomics profiling of steroidal hormones from urine samples using LC-QTOF/MS; Front. Mol. Biosci vol. 10, 1-12 (2023)
  • Szerkus Oliwia, STRUCK-LEWICKA WIKTORIA, KORDALEWSKA MARTA, BARTOSIŃSKA EWA, BUJAK RENATA, BORSUK AGNIESZKA, Bienert Agnieszka, Bartkowska-Śniatkowska Alicja, Warzybok Justyna, WICZLING PAWEŁ, NASAL ANTONI, KALISZAN ROMAN, MARKUSZEWSKI MICHAŁ JAN, SILUK DANUTA: HPLC-MS/MS method for dexmedetomidine quantification with Design of Experiments approach: application to pediatric pharmacokinetic study; Bioanalysis, t. 9, nr 4, 395-406 (2017)
  • RACZAK-GUTKNECHT JOANNA, FRĄCKOWIAK TERESA, NASAL ANTONI, KORNICKA ANITA, SĄCZEWSKI FRANCISZEK, KALISZAN ROMAN: Are alpha-2D adrenoceptor subtypes involved in rat mydriasis evoked by new imidazoline derivatives : marsanidine and 7-methylmarsanidine?; Dose-Response, vol. 15, nr 2, 1-9 (2017)
  • RACZAK-GUTKNECHT JOANNA, NASAL ANTONI, FRĄCKOWIAK TERESA, KORNICKA ANITA, SĄCZEWSKI FRANCISZEK, WAWRZYNIAK RENATA, KUBIK ŁUKASZ, KALISZAN ROMAN: Comparative pharmacodynamic analysis of imidazoline compounds using rat model of ocular mydriasis with a test of quantitative structure-activity relationships; J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.vol. 144, 122-128 (2017)
  • RACZAK-GUTKNECHT JOANNA, FRĄCKOWIAK TERESA, NASAL ANTONI, Rietz Joanna, Paszek Maja, BUSZEWSKA-FORAJTA MAGDALENA, KALISZAN ROMAN: Effect of the reference imidazoline drugs, clonidine and rilmenidine, on rat eye pupil size confirms the decisive role of α2-adrenoceptors on mydriasis; Int. J. Pharmacol.vol. 10, nr 8, 470-478 (2014)
  • RACZAK-GUTKNECHT JOANNA, FRĄCKOWIAK TERESA, NASAL ANTONI, KALISZAN ROMAN:vMydriasis model in rats as a simple system to evaluate α2-adrenergic activity of the imidazol(in)e compounds; Pharmacol. Rep., vol. 65, nr 2, 305-312 (2013)
  • Kawczak P., Vander Heyden Y., Nasal A., Baczek T., Drabczynska A., Kiec-Kononowicz K., Kaliszan R.: Micellar liquid chromatography for lipophilicity determination of new biologically active 1,3-purinodiones. Journal of Separation Science 33, 1546-1557 (2010).
  • Kawczak P., Vander Heyden Y., Nasal A., Baczek T., Drabczynska A., Kiec-Kononowicz K., Kaliszan R.: Micellar liquid chromatography for lipophilicity determination of new biologically active 1,3-purinodiones. Journal of Separation Science 33, 1546-1557 (2010).
  • Wiczling P., Kawczak P., Nasal A., Kaliszan R.: Simultaneous determination of pKa and lipophilicity by gradient RP HPLC. Analytical Chemistry 78, 239-249 (2006).
  • Bucinski A., Baczek T., Kaliszan R., Nasal A., Krysinski J., Zaluski J., Artificial neural network analysis of patient and treatment variables as a prognostic tool in breast cancer after mastectomy, Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 14, 973-979 (2005).
  • Kaliszan R., Nasal A., Markuszewski M.J.: New approaches to chromatographic determination of lipophilicity of xenobiotics, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 377, 803-811 (2003).
  • Nasal A., Siluk D., Kaliszan R.: Chromatographic retention parameters in medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology.
    Current Medicinal Chemistry, 10, 381-426 (2003).
  • Nasal A., Wojdelko A., Baczek T., Kaliszan R., Cybulski M., Chilmonczyk: Relationship between chromatographic behavior and affinity to HT1A serotonin receptors of new buspirone analogues. Journal of Separation Sciences 25, 273-279 (2002).
  • Bucinski A., Kowalski I.M., Zarzycki D., Baczek T., Nasal A., Kaliszan R.: Principal component analysis of patient variables as an objective method of treatment evaluation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine 11, 61-68 (2002).
  • Kaliszan R., Rynkiewicz A., Deptulski T., Siluk D., Haber P., Markuszewski M., Baczek T., Dabrowska A., Nasal A., Damasiewicz B., Radwanska A., Frackowiak T.: Ocena dostepnosci biologicznej furosemidu z preparatu Furosemidum tabl. 40 mg w porównaniu z odpowiednikiem leku badanego. Terapia i Leki, LII/2, 37-39 (2002).
  • Forgács, Cserháti T., Balough S., Kaliszan R., Haber P., Nasal A.: Separation of strength and selectivity of mobile phase by spectral mapping technique. Biomedical Chromatography 15, 348-355 (2001).
  • Bucinski A., Nasal A., Kaliszan R.: Pharmacological classification of drugs based on neural network processing of molecular modeling data. Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening, 3, 525-533 (2000).
  • Cserháti T., Forgács E., Kósa A., Csiktusnádi Kiss G., Kaliszan R., Haber P., Nasal A., Örsi F.: Binding of environmental pollutants to the wheat protein gliadin studied by high-performance liquid chromatography.
    Journal of Chromatographic Science, 37, 159-164 (1999).
  • Al.-Haj M.A., Kaliszan R., Nasal A.: Test analytes for studies of the molecular mechanism of chromatographic separations by quantitative. Analytical Chemistry 71, 2976-2985 (1999).
Aktualizacja strony: 30.01.2025
Joanna Dawidowska, Paweł Wiczling